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Global Policy Advocacy Against Online Child Sexual Abuse and Pornography

Since early 2018, Nobel Peace Laureate Mr. Kailash Satyarthi has been building a global movement for a legally binding UN convention and response mechanism against online child sexual abuse and pornography which has snowballed to an 8 billion USD industry. In this regard he has been meeting all stakeholders irrespective of caste, creed, religion, ethnicity, political affinity and nationality. He has been meeting State Heads, Top leadership of UN agencies, Businesses, OECD and Faith with his demand and all of them have been extremely forthcoming in his endeavor for the legally binding international law. Given that online crimes transcend across borders, extraterritorial jurisdiction for the proposed law is absolutely essential. A dedicated international toll-free helpline for reporting cases related to online child sexual abuse under the supervision of International Criminal Police Organization (Interpol)/ or any other relevant agency will also be critical for this international law. In November 2018 Mr. Satyarthi met Pope Francis and he extended full support of the Vatican to see this through fruition. Chancellor Angela Merkel from Germany and Her Highness Sheikha Moza from Qatar have also expressed their firm commitment to mobilize political support towards the demand for a new international law. 

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